Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Memorable Moments

I remember growing up as a young adult being very confused with who I was and where I wanted to go in life.

Although the struggle was a bit rough living in the inner-city, closed off with the surroundings of hardcore christian life really scared me to the point of being afraid of living the life who I felt I was deep down inside.

Thoughout school I tried being one of the cool kids who stayed within the trends of the 80's & 90's urban fashion and music. I can't lie... That was the era I grew to love and which of course is the norm now for today's young adults.

Outside of the tough times growing up in the inner-city hiding my true self, there are beautiful and memorable moments shining through those dark clouds.

In my early 20's, I met a wonderful man by the name of Henry who took me under his wing taking on the roll of a mentor enlighten me on the struggles and past history of his life as a gay man.

How we met was a was by a chance meeting in a movie theatre geared towards gay men. We all know what go on there... No explanation needed as to what transpired between Henry and me, except for the way he was sitting something peeked just above the arm rest.

We began to talk hitting off almost instantly going from one subject to the next. I'm thinking to myself, I've never clicked with older men like this before, who can relate to the way I had grew up.
We didn't see each other on a regular basis, but I could recall the two of us going to a restaurant in the Silverlake area.

He would wear short cut-off that was high enough that when he was seated he'd have a nice BULGE and on occasions while we we're eating, one his balls would make an appearance. I admit, he had a few admirers who stared nice and long before turning to look away.

I really liked that about Henry, he didn't have any hang ups on showcasing his BULGE.


  1. Great post man! I absolutely love bulges and I'm loving this blog. Keep up the great work.
