Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The beauty in the BULGE at the family reunion

I remember going to a family reunion some years ago just before discovering my understanding of the BULGE. It was a nice warm summers day at the park in Los Angeles as I was setting up the tables for the days feast and fun activities. The day of course was going as planned when all my siblings and friend began arriving, some even brought goodies as well, so I'm loving it even more.

A cousin of mine arrived that I hadn't seen in over 20 years due to his side of the family pressures and beliefs on being gay. After coming out a few years prior they didn't love him any less, they just readjusted their way of thinking to see that they were being hypocrites.

My cousin walked over to me and I could see that he had become very comfortable within his skin and showed a level of confidence he hadn't shown in many years. Along side him was this very beautiful white older man who was very interesting and had a presence that seem to draw people in. My cousin introduced him as Robert as we were walking toward the BBQ grill so I can finish flipping the burgers... (I didn't want to serve burnt burger, of course).